Angeline Bautista, Art 410, Fall 2010


Monday, November 15, 2010

Monument Intervention

Groupmates: Luis Pascual & Shizuka Mitsumura

For the Monument Intervention project, we have to choose a monument site and carry out some kind of intervention that draws attention to that particular place.

We started off with Luis's project, carried out in Golden Gate Park.  His idea was to draw attention to the statues, by dressing them up.  His original idea was to dress up the Gandhi statue down in the Embarcadero in a cape like Superman or Batman.  But he decided to go with Golden Gate Park instead as there are more statues to work with.  We didn't have a cape on hand, despite having Halloween just passed, but I brought a few costume items with me that could be fun to dress up the statues.

The First Statue, Apple Press Monument

Me and Shizuka dressing up the 2nd statue, and a few reactions from passerby

 The Second Statue: Don Quixote and Sancho Panza kneeling in front of Cervantes

The Third Statue, Robert Emmet, the young Irish Patriot

Reactions from passerbys

Recording the Robert Emmet statue


Next we did my project, which also happened to take place in Golden Gate Park.  My idea was to sit down somewhere in a public space, and get comfortable as if you were at home, watching entertainment through a "TV" which was a cardboard box fashioned into a TV with an open back panel and screen.  The idea was to watch life through a TV much like what more people do at home, watching life through TV.   The location where I set up my little TV happened to be a stage in Golden Gate Park, the Spreckels Temple of Music.

The "TV" is that little red thing to the right.

Spectator's View in the seats in front of the "Bandshell"

A couple came up and took a picture with the TV in it.


Lastly we did Shizuka's project, which took place in Union Square.  Her project idea was to post up Civil War photos with shopping bags photoshopped into the image, around Union Square.  Since the ice skating rink was set up, we put the pictures up on the heart monument on the northwestern corner of the Square.

Me and Shizuka putting up the photos.  The photos consisted of the American flag with the Macy's logo in the middle of a circle of stars; Abraham Lincoln and two others standing with Nordstrom bags at their feet; and Civil War Union soldiers standing with Forever21, Sephora, and other shop bags at their feet.

View of Heart Monument, we had to wait til no more people were taking pictures of the monument.

This photo to me is absolutely priceless.  A woman poses with her shopping bag from Nordstrom while one of the images below her depict Abraham Lincoln also posing with his shopping bag from Nordstrom.

Shizuka decided to put the images up on the backside of the heart instead.

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