Angeline Bautista, Art 410, Fall 2010


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chance Recipe

My Recipie
Interdeterminancy Project – Create your own portrait
1.     Go to and look at the “dingbats” section. In another window, go to and set the min and max to 1-21, and generate a number.
1.Alien 2. Animals 3. Asian 4. Ancient 4. Runes, 5. Elvish 6. Esoteric 7. Fantastic 8. Horror 9. Games 10. Shapes 11. BarCode 12. Nature 13. Sport 14. Heads 15. Kids 16. TV, Movie 17. Logos 18. Sexy 19. Army 20. Music 21. Various
2.     In that category, use again and set the min and max to 1-10, to determine what font to use. You'll use the pictures corresponding to the letters of your name. Upper or lower case is ok. You may download the font if you wish.
3.     Next, go to and enter your birthday to determine the day of the week you were born. The day of the week will determine what color you'll use for your dingbat-font name, as follows:
Sunday-Red ; Monday-Orange; Tuesday-Yellow; Wednesday-Green; Thursday-Blue; Friday-Indigo; Saturday-Violet;
Any shade within the same color family can be used for the font.
4.     Using any medium, create a “self-portrait” using the images retrieved from the dingbats spelling out your name. The color corresponding to the day of the week you were born will be your main color theme. The portrait can be of anything, as long at those elements are included.
5.     Have fun with it!
Jon's Recipie
Stencil Chance Art
1.    Go into iTunes and make sure your shuffle songs setting is on.
2.    Play any song to get started.
3.    Skip to the next song
4.    Listen to or get the lyric for that song.
a.    If no lyrics. repeat step 3.
5.    Write down or circle the first 6 nouns (or things) in the song.
a.    If it’s “you” use a picture of yourself
b.    If it’s “I” or “me” use a picture of the artist.
6.    Roll a die and see what the number you roll is.
7.    Find a picture of that noun (or take one of you own)
8.    Open Photoshop
9.    Isolate the image you want to use
10.                  Make it Black and White (Ctrl + Shift + U)
11.                  Go to > Image > Adjustments > Threshold… change level to -44 and press OK
12.                  Go to FILER > Artistic > Cutout…
a.    SET: Number of levels: 2
b.    Edge Simplicity: 3
c.     Edge Fidelity: 1
d.    Press OK
13.                  You will cut out the black parts.
So connect the white places
If you don’t these parts will fall out
13.                  Some places will be too difficult to cut out so make it as simple as you are willing to cut.
14.                  Print the stencil out and tape it to a manila folder.
15.                  Use an exacto knife to cut out the black parts.
16.                  Now you have your stencil
17.                  Pick a card out of a deck of playing cards.
18.                  Whatever color the suit is, paint that on a surface.
19.                  If it’s A-6 Use spray paint
20.                  If it’s 7-K Use pain and a brush.
21.                  YOU’RE DONE

Here is a link to a stencil making video if you have trouble.

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